Parlee Ouray SRAM Red Build
Parlee Ouray SRAM Red Build
Experience your greatest ride with the Parlee Ouray bike featuring our SRAM Red build. This ready-to-ride Ouray includes a SRAM Red E1 AXS 2x groupset with the addition of a Quarq power meter, Zipp 353 NSW wheels and more. Order today, and it can be with you, fully assembled and shipped to your door within only three weeks.
Looking for a custom Parlee Ouray? Click here.
The Parlee Ready-to-Ride Build Program
As a premier Parlee retailer, we can ship select models to your door - fully assembled, tuned, checked, and ready to ride. When you place an order with us, your Parlee frame and its respective components fly from the brand's headquarters in MA to our store in Tempe, AZ, where we assemble, inspect for quality, and fine-tune to your unique specifications. Typical turnaround time depends on where in the USA you're located, shipping times, and the general who-ha that sometimes causes delays in building custom bikes. Usually, we anticipate a new bike at your door in less than 3-weeks. But if you're planning a trip or have a hard deadline, send us a note, and we'll do our best to get it to you ASAP!
About the brand
Parlee Bikes
When Parlee emerged in 1999, it set in motion a wave of innovation that still resonates across the wider industry. From the first frame, Parlee bikes won accolades from anyone lucky enough to ride one of the brand's custom composite wonders. They thought they were riding a good bike. They came back with goosebumps.