Dario Pegoretti Bikes


Dario Pegoretti Bikes

Bikes, art and the pinnacle of steel




Verona, Italy


RoadRoad Graveltexture

Dario Pegoretti bikes exist in a world of their own. A world of high-performance steel worked and painted by hand, brought to the road in the timeless Italian tradition of the ‘Bottega’, of Master and Apprentice, of unyielding standards of perfection, joyful, chaotic creativity, and a confidence to do things its own way.

Much ink has been spilled about the work of this storied Veronese marque and its iconoclastic founder, Dario Pegoretti. Many wax lyrical about its ‘Ciavete’ paint scheme, an abstract artistic style equally inspired by the client and the moment and a total surprise until you unbox your frame. Others, its workshop, an old train yard repurposed as a studio, and the amalgamation of art, music, mad-cap ideas and, yes, food and wine that propels its team to create such metal wonders as the Responsorium, Round, Marcelo and, most recently, the Duende Rock & Roll.

Dario Pegoretti Bikes
Dario Pegoretti Bikes
Dario Pegoretti Bikes
Dario Pegoretti Bikes

Understanding Pegoretti

On the one hand, understanding 'Officina' Pegoretti is simple: it creates stock and custom-size steel road bikes that ride with mesmeric perfection, beguiling comfort and sensational speed. On the other...well, you'll have to visit to see for yourself, pass through its imposing double doors into the cool shadows of a glass-walled office giving way to views of the workshop - a cube amidst the chaos - and walk headlong into a wild soundscape of framebuilding, soaring blues and creativity. It's a trip.

Alternatively, you could visit Regroup, where we’ll soon have a selection of Pegoretti frames to hand to inspire and inform your deliberations and choice of model. And if that’s the case, as an official Pegoretti dealer, we’re well-placed to help you commission your dream Pegoretti and embark on a lifetime of inspired riding.


Regroup x Pegoretti

Discover the Pegoretti bikes collection at Regroup.

Dario Pegoretti Bikes RoadRoad
Pegoretti Responsorium Steel Road Bike
Start your build

If you'd like to experience the colorful creativity and sublime ride of a Dario Pegoretti bicycle, drop us a line - we'd love to help you join the Pegoretti community and embark on a lifetime of inspired riding.

Start Your Build