Speed, the Sweet Life and a Tri-Composite Sarto Raso

Adam's Sarto Raso Tri-Composite All-Road Endurance Aero Bike


Road road


Sarto Raso TC




SRAM RED c/w Quarq PM + Ceramicspeed OSPW


Zipp 454 NSW




Goodyear Eagle F1R 28mm



Owning and starting different businesses over the years has resulted in more single-day travels, or the aptly named ‘suicide missions’ than I care to remember.


So when I had the opportunity to visit the HQ of Sarto Bikes to get a fit for my new Sarto Raso and fly from London to Venice and back in a day at the end of my last European trip in October, simple experience told me it could be a bad idea. Flying at the last minute in the continental USA is fraught with delays, cancellations, weather, traffic, angry rental car attendants and the like. What could possibly go wrong with traveling between two different countries, neither of which I was a citizen?


My day started with a 4 am wake-up call at my hotel and the Paddington Express train to London’s Heathrow Airport en route to a British Airways flight to Verona. The flight was smooth, and we touched down around 11 am local time. After waiting only a couple of minutes in line, we entered the country via a simple face scan at an electronic kiosk. So far so slick. Hello Italy!

I’d booked a car and driver in an attempt to save sprecious minutes, and after recognizing my name on a placard held by a person I now think of as The Fastest Driver in the World, we were on the open road and headed for the Sarto factory. I was a bit tired and, for a while, I got lost in the Italian countryside. It was beautiful but increasingly blurred. I peaked at the speedometer, which showed a staggering 200km, or 140 miles an hour! The driver was cucumber-cool and seemed blithely unaware of my sudden panic (or other road users), so I closed my eyes and hoped for the best.


Thankfully, our pace maxed out on the interstate and slackened as we turned towards country roads and even greener pastures. After a few small villages, a turn into an industrial park, and a quiet, dead-end street, we arrived at the address I’d given the driver. I got out of the car and didn’t see my destination. After a quick moment of panic, I called Tommaso, my contact at Sarto, who reassured me that I was in the right place and guided me to a large, nondescript building at the end of the street.

Visiting Sarto Bikes

The Sarto HQ is an unassuming industrial-esque block surrounded on two sides by open pastures. It’s strangely beautiful. But then, I like factories.


After a brief tour to say quick hellos, Tommaso and I took a short walk up the street to grab a bite at Sarto’s local family-run cafe. Even now, my mouth waters as I recall the flavors and the feel of the place, from my simple plate of shrimp pasta to the thirst-quenching local beer and the robust dessert espresso we imbibed at the end of our meal amidst the easy patter of Italian. There’s nothing quite like being in a foreign country and experiencing life’s simple pleasures, the excitement of a new place, the people and their prideful work.


Saying so long to that cafe was not easy, but we eventually returned to the Sarto factory, where I pulled out my cycling kit and got on the Fit bike. Owner Enrico, whom many of you got to meet at our Regroup in the Desert event, arrived to greet me and ask about my fit. I’d sent some data from my last fit of a few years past, and through a series of broken English back and forths, Enrico made clear that he didn’t love some of the measurements. Instead of holding to a snapshot of my form, I gave the team full autonomy to make the Sarto Raso bicycle that they’d want to ride, free from bias from me, previous fits, and my ever-growing collection of road bikes in the fleet at home. “You guys are the experts!” I said. “Build me the perfect Sarto.”


With the bike shoes back in their bag, we looked at several carbon samples and spent time on the factory floor, where I watched as the team transformed sheets of carbon into works of art. You’ll notice when you see my new frame the blue thread that weaves through the tubes in different places. Sarto calls this their Tri-Composite fiber, or TC for short. It’s a composite fiber infused with metal filaments, a confluence of Japanese and Italian engineering. It comes in blue, green and red versions, which feature copper, and a titanium version, which comes in grey. Another fun fact: did you know that carbon is stored in a freezer to retain its pliability? I thought it would be the opposite.


After a less exciting drive back (thank goodness) to Venice proper, I took the ferry to the islands and enjoyed a sunset stroll before my flight back to London. It was quite a different experience from the stormy and rainy days I spent with my wife in Venice the year prior. This time, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, and the charm of old Venice shone through in all its historic elegance. Despite my return flight being delayed numerous times once I returned to the airport, fellow Regrouper Pete, who lives in London and makes this trip regularly, assured me that it would all work out, and he was right.


It was an incredibly long day but one that I won’t soon forget. If you’re in Europe this summer and wonder if a day trip to Sarto is possible, I can confirm it is. And it’s worth it! For those looking to make a special trip to see Sarto from the States, why not let us arrange your Sarto Experience? We can liaise with the Sarto team to ensure your visit goes smoothly. And once you’re back in the States, we can pick up where you left off, receive your geo and specs from the factory, talk through your build and bring your dream bike to life.

I’m finding after 8-years of owning Regroup that giving a custom frame builder autonomy to build to the best of their ability yields a superior product. I took that philosophy to my custom Sarto Raso, and I’m beyond excited to explore what Enrico, Tommaso, and the team at Sarto have built for me. From visit to arrival at Regroup, the frame took approximately 3.5 months and wow is it a head turner.


I definitely felt the pressure to deliver on the promise of the frame with the build kit, so I looked to our friends at SRAM and opted for Red components throughout. We complemented the groupset with a Quarq integrated power meter and selections from Ceramicspeed to round it out. We had an OSPW RS 5-spoke floating around the shop in blue, which just so happened to match the blue TC of the frame. As for the wheels, Instagram trolls rejoice – an aero wheel on an all-road bike. For the record, the Raso is pretty aero, and in the spirit of “something new is coming,” these wheels will tide me over until early summer. More on that shortly.


Stay tuned for my 500-mile Sarto Raso ride review after I put it through the paces. It’ll likely come with a strong “buy” recommendation so start saving your Pennie’s today.

If this Regroup Custom Sarto Raso TC build has inspired you, contact us to discuss creating your own Italian dream.